Chinese Acupuncture

Calgary Acupuncture

Acupuncture History

Acupuncture is one of the main elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It involves inserting fine metallic needles at specific areas of the body. The practitioner then manipulates the depth or position manually or uses electric stimulation.

Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years, making it one of the oldest treatment methods in the world. In TCM, vital energy Qi (pronounced as Chee) exists in our bodies and flows through 14 major pathways or channels referred to as meridians. Qi determines the overall wellbeing of a person.

When Qi is disrupted, one feels discomfort, pain, or exhaustion. These are symptoms of many common diseases such as arthritis or headaches. There are specific acupuncture points in the body that are targeted when you visit a traditional Chinese Medical Clinic. Inserting needles at these parts of the body helps restore energy flow through the pathways. This is how the path to recovery starts when you decide to use acupuncture to treat your ailment.

Note that acupuncture points that are far away from the site of trouble can be used. For instance, points on the feet can be used to treat migraines and eye problems, and points on the hand can handle lung issues. One advantage of acupuncture is that it can be used to treat illnesses that conventional treatments cannot.

Is Acupuncture Regulated In Alberta?

The acupuncture industry has been under government regulation since 1988. More recently (2011), the College and Association of Acupuncturists Alberta (CAAA) was assigned to regulate the industry.

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When Should I See An Acupuncturist?


Seeing an acupuncturist may be a good solution for you if you have persistent aches and pains that other treatments have not alleviated.

You should see an acupuncturist if you:

  • Have chronic neck and back pain
  • Have irregular menstrual cycles but are not ready to change your birth control methods.
  • Are highly anxious, and therapy does not seem to be working for you.
  • Have lots of mood swings that you are unable to explain.
  • Lack a healthy sleep cycle even when you have the opportunity to rest.
  • Want to prevent more muscle pain, injuries, and illnesses.
  • Have old injuries that still cause you pain.
  • Get lots of migraines.