Many people think acupuncture is about placing needles in the right parts of the body. But it’s more than that. Acupuncture does not just focus on your illness; it’s a treatment method that can boost your overall health.
Sometimes, you do not see any positive results even after going to numerous acupuncture sessions. The problem might be your acupuncturist. Like professionals in other industries, there are good and bad acupuncturists.
Most people advised considering acupuncture as a form of treatment do not do a background check on the various acupuncturists in their area. Thus, they find unprofessional or inexperienced acupuncturists who may only worsen their situations.
Without further ado, let’s discuss some things you should look for in a great acupuncturist.
Experience is one of the top factors to consider when seeking the help of an acupuncturist or any other health practitioner. Why would you go for someone who has been in the field for several years or even decades?
An acupuncturist who has been practicing for decades will have more knowledge than one who is two or three years into it. They will have probably met and treated many people with your condition. Therefore, they may already know the best way to handle your disease.
Keep in mind, you may find a good practitioner in a recent graduate. So, do some research and find who you can help you best.
They are Certified
Check to see if your potential acupuncturist holds the necessary certifications. Find out if they attended a reputable acupuncture school. Also, check to see if they are licensed to practice in your country. If they have a license, it is usually proof that they are qualified to offer acupuncture services.
Easily Accessible
You may need to see an acupuncturist every week, so their location matters. During your treatment, you may notice some changes you’d like your acupuncturist to look at immediately. Having direct access to your doctor through email or phone to book appointments can ensure you get that extra session.
You will find it easy to honor your appointments if the practitioner is in your neighborhood. However, if their location is in a different part of the city, you will likely miss your appointments.
Acupuncture involves making adjustments as your receive your treatment, so missing sessions will negatively affect the healing process.
You Feel Comfortable Around Them
The right acupuncturist is one you feel comfortable with. Treatment methods like acupuncture require a lot of communication between the patient and practitioner. A good practitioner will give you enough time to explain your condition. In addition, they will take note of your short-term and long-term goals.
They will explain the treatment procedure and what happens to your body during and after the needle insertions. One way to feel if you are comfortable is when you are at the practitioner’s premises. If you feel uneasy every time you visit, it is best to find another acupuncturist.
They Genuinely Want to Help You
The best acupuncturists are those who are not in it for the money. You can easily spot those who are only after your money. The sessions will be dull, and you will not feel like you are getting any better.
A great acupuncturist will want to be a part of your healing.
They will ask many questions about your condition before coming up with an appropriate treatment plan. In addition to the needles, they will recommend herbs and advise on lifestyle habits to boost your overall health.
The Acupuncturist Offers Other Services
While you will be looking for acupuncture services, it would be great to find a specialist who offers other treatment methods. Some conditions require the use of more than one treatment method.
In many Asian countries, acupuncture is a valid form of treatment. In Canada, however, it is in the alternative medicine category. A good acupuncturist should be able to combine modern and traditional medicine. It is a plus if they can provide other medical services.
If you are considering acupuncture as a treatment option, then you need to find a great acupuncturist. Use the above tips when looking to ensure that you find the best and most qualified one.
If you need acupuncture services in Calgary, Alberta, then look no further than Chinese Acupuncture Calgary. Amy Lao has been practicing in Canada for more than two decades and is licensed to offer acupuncture services. She also provides other treatment options like acupressure and cupping massage therapy. Contact her to schedule a consultation.