Dr. Amy Lao - Registered Licensed Acupuncturist
Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor
Dr. Amy Lao is a licensed and registered Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor (T.C.M.D.)
Amy graduated as a T.C.M.D. specializing in Acupuncture in 1992 from the Chinese Medical University in Guang Zhou, China and practiced there until she moved to Canada in 1994. She has been successfully practicing acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the province of Alberta for over 30 years.
Professional Credentials
educational background and membership
- Guang Zhou Chinese Medical University (1992 to 1994)
- Calgary Acupuncture Association (1994 to Present)
Professional Experience
- Dr. Lao has successfully practiced Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the province of Alberta for over 30 years.
- Dr. Lao works with her patients using various TCM techniques, including acupuncture, herbal remedies, alternative treatments, and lifestyle + dietary adjustments.
- Dr. Lao creates a personalized treatment plan tailored for each patient, utilizing both traditional and innovative techniques. She treats a wide range of health issues, including but not limited to: chronic illnesses, digestive disorders, migraines, fertility problems, pain management.